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How pokies work
Pokie machines are designed to get you to keep playing for as long as possible. You can’t beat or cheat them even if you believe you have a system.
Many websites claim that they can tell you how to beat pokies. However, they’re usually created by companies or people that profit from them. The truth is that a lot of time and effort goes into making sure you can't beat or cheat a pokie machine.
Learn about how pokies really work here.

Online gambling
More access to technology can mean more risks, as we can now gamble almost anywhere, at any time. Keep an eye out for common online gambling traps to keep yourself safe.
Using today's technology, it's possible to gamble almost anywhere, 24/7. From the bedroom to the bathroom, even outdoors, and sadly a lot of us have learnt the hard way just how quickly gambling can go from fun to feeling out of control. Here are some of the traps to watch out for and some tips to keep yourself safe so you don’t lose more time and money than you meant to.

How pokies work
Pokie machines are designed to get you to keep playing for as long as possible. You can’t beat or cheat them even if you believe you have a system.
Many websites claim that they can tell you how to beat pokies. However, they’re usually created by companies or people that profit from them. The truth is that a lot of time and effort goes into making sure you can't beat or cheat a pokie machine.
Learn about how pokies really work here.

Online gambling
More access to technology can mean more risks, as we can now gamble almost anywhere, at any time. Keep an eye out for common online gambling traps to keep yourself safe.
Using today's technology, it's possible to gamble almost anywhere, 24/7. From the bedroom to the bathroom, even outdoors, and sadly a lot of us have learnt the hard way just how quickly gambling can go from fun to feeling out of control. Here are some of the traps to watch out for and some tips to keep yourself safe so you don’t lose more time and money than you meant to.