Services near you
Wherever you are in the country, free and confidential support for your gambling is never far away. Getting some help is just a text, phone call, or Zoom away...
Our Services
Some people find it helpful to have a chat with someone who understands what it’s like to live with gambling stress. Sometimes you'll only need one session to put a plan in place. Or if you need some extra support, you can get ongoing counselling free of charge.
You can get support for your own gambling, and also if you're affected by someone else's gambling.
All of the services listed below are contracted by Te Whatu Ora | Health New Zealand to provide free and confidential support.
Services available throughout New Zealand
Gambling Helpline
Free phone 0800 654 655 Text 8006 Chat online
Availability: Available 24/7, 7 days a week.
PGF Services
Free phone 0800 664 262 Free text 5819
Email: help@pgf.nz
Website: www.pgf.nz Live Chat
Availability: 8.30am - 5pm Monday to Friday. Counselling services face-to-face, or by phone, email or video calls depending on the location.
Our main offices are located in Auckland, Hamilton, Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin with satellite offices in other regions. We provide support via video calls if we do not have an office in the area.
Mapu Maia
Free phone 0800 21 21 22
Availability: Support for those impacted by gambling harm available by phone, email and video-streaming . Mapu Maia offers services for those impacted by gambling harm, and will continue to be available by phone, email and video-stream while the nation continues to change alert levels due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We understand this is a very challenging time for everyone, and we are here to support you and your family and whãnau.
Website: https://www.mapumaia.nz/
Asian Family Services
Free support options:
- One-on-one counselling services
- Couple counselling
- Group counselling and other social work services
How to get in touch:
- Free Asian Helpline: 0800 862 342 (Monday to Friday between 9am and 8pm)
- Free text: 832
- Email: help@asianfamilyservices.nz
- Website: www.asianfamilyservices.nz
Asian Family Services offers support in English, Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean, Vietnamese, Japanese, Thai and Hindi
Available: 8.30am - 5pm, Monday - Friday
Address: 5/412 Kamo Road, Kamo, Whangarei
Phone: 0800 433 288, 09 437 0167
Email: admin@nmp.org.nz
Website: www.nmp.org.nz
Availability: Counselling services face-to-face, or by phone or video call. Services available in English, Mandarin, Cantonese, Vietnamese, Korean, Thai, Japanese and Hindi.
Monday - Friday, 9am - 8pm.
128 Khyber Pass Rd, Newmarket
Phone: 0800 862 342
Availability: Counselling via Zoom, Skype and Microsoft teams are fully accessible.
Information, advice and advocacy is still fully functional.
8.30am to 10.00pm Monday to Friday
128 Khyber Pass Rd, Newmarket
Phone: 0800 21 21 22
Free text: 3022
Availability: Counselling services face-to-face, or by phone, email or video calls. Appointments are available at our satellite office in Takapuna. You can book an appointment by calling us.
8.30am – 5.00pm Monday to Friday
128 Khyber Pass Rd, Grafton
Free phone: 0800 664 262
Available 8.30 - 5pm, Monday - Friday
Phone: 0800 024 321
Email: adminaccount@wharetiakihauora.org.nz
Website: www.wharetiakihauora.org.nz
Free phone 0800 664 262
Free text: 5819
Email: help@pgf.nz
Website and live chat: www.pgf.nz
Availability: Counselling services face-to-face or by phone, email, or video calls.
8.30am – 5.00pm Monday to Friday
Level 2, 109 Anglesea Street,
Hamilton 3204
Kia whai hua i te toonuitanga. To pursue the rewards of a thriving and prosperous way of life.
Embark on a transformative journey to holistic wellness. Our unwavering commitment is to empower positive change within whaanau and community through quality kaupapa Maaori health and wellbeing services designed to minimize gambling harm.
So that all people living in the rohe of Tainui waka thrive and prosper.
Available: 8.30am - 5pm, Monday - Friday
Phone: 09 264 8040
Email: referrals@raukura.org.nz
Website: www.raukura.org.nz
We support families/communities to prevent and minimise gambling harm, by adopting a multidisciplinary holistic approach, which addresses all whānau needs (employment, education, health and wellbeing). We provide clinicians who:
- are qualified and experienced
- create brief and full inventions for the individual/family
- deliver counselling and other forms of individual/group therapy
And public health workers who:
- deliver presentations within the community to increase gambling awareness
- train other communities to screen for gambling issues can develop and implement policies to prevent/reduce gambling harm within organisations
- can support the development of community action initiatives to reduce gambling harm.
Available: 8.30am - 5pm, Rāhina/Monday - Rāmere/Friday
Te Kohao Health – Kirikiriroa Marae
951 Wairere Drive
Hamilton East
PO Box 7107
Phone: 07 856 5479 or 0800 483 564
Fax: 07 856 5938
Email: admin@tekohaohealth.co.nz
Website: www.tekohaohealth.co.nz
Bay of Plenty/Lakes
Free Phone: 0800 784 842
Free Text: 5030
Website: www.manaakiora.org.nz/services/kauri-tu-problem-gambling-service
If your or someone else’s gambling is causing you concern, we can help by providing non-judgmental face to face counselling in both kaupapa Maori and mainstream modes, with an action plan to work your way out of the difficulties. We cover the Lakes DHB area including Rotorua, Taupō, Turangi, and Mangakino.
1154 Hinemoa Street – Level 1
8:30am – 5pm Monday to Friday
Supporting positive change within whānau and community. Our team are available to support you and your whānau kānohi ki te kānohi, or by phone, email or video call.
Address: 35 Commerce Lane, Te Puke
Phone: 0800 573 0091, 07 573 0091
Email: wellness@poutiri.org
Website: www.poutiriwellnesscentre.org
We enable Ōpōtiki people and whānau to dream, activate and flourish. Our services include:
- ACC whānau navigation
- Community Action and Activation
- Kuia & Koroua wellbeing support
- Problem gambling support
- Rangatahi wellbeing programmes
- Rongoa Māori
- Whakapapa
- Whānau goal setting
Available: 9am - 5.30pm
Address: 44A Goring Street, Ōpōtiki 3122
Phone: 07 3155988
Email: admin@ko-kollective.nz
Website: www.ko-kollective.nz
Phone: 08 867 8109
Website: www.trotak.iwi.nz
At Tauawhi, we're dedicated to helping whanau navigate life's challenges, from relationship difficulties to personal growth. Our experienced addictions team offers tailored counselling services, ensuring every individual receives the guidance they need in a mana-enhancing way.
Available: 8.30am - 5pm, Monday - Friday (or as needed outside these times)
Address: 71 Peel St, Gisborne
Phone: 06 868 8278, 0800 120 072
Email: admin@tauawhi.org
Website: tauawhi.org
Hawkes Bay
Availability: Counselling and support services to new and existing whaiora via text, telephone, and our website gamblinghb.co.nz
210 Lyndon Road
Phone: (06) 876 6267
Text or call 022 0435 346
Free phone: 0800 664 262
Email: help@pgf.nz
Website: www.pgf.nz Live Chat
Availability: Counselling services face-to-face, or by phone, email or video calls.
8.30am – 5.00pm Monday to Friday
Level 2, Community House, 43 Princes Street
Dunedin 9016
Whanganui/Palmerston North/Levin
Availability: Counselling via Zoom, Skype and Microsoft teams are fully accessible.
Information, advice and advocacy is still fully functional.
8.30am to 10.00pm Monday to Friday
Phone: 0800 21 21 22
Free text: 3002
Korowaitia Te Puna Waiora supports whānau who are seeking a holistic approach to well-being while being immersed in wānanga and kanohi ki te kanohi support using unique Māori concepts and delivery.
Available: 8.30am - 5pm, Monday - Friday
Te Oranganui
The Terrace Building
133 Wicksteed Street
Whanganui 4500
Phone: 06 349 0007
Website: www.teoranganui.co.nz
Porirua / Kapiti
Ora Toa Mauriora gambling harm service, Tu Te Ihi provides services to assist and support individuals or whanau to achieve Mauri Ora. Our kaupapa is to work in a culturally appropriate, quality care service, maintaining mana, mauri and tapu of all those seeking support, by creating and enhancing a mauriora experience. To achieve positive and thriving life outcomes, to increase hauora through the generations.
Ora Toa has developed and uses the Mauri Ora Model of care with Whaikaha. The Mauri Ora model of care builds on the interconnectedness of life that influences hauora attainment.
Our team are available to support you and your whanau kanohi ki te kanohi, or by phone, email or video call. We are a community outreach service and can arrange to meet whanau in their homes, marae or other means including by phone, or video call.
5 Lyttleton Ave, Porirua
Phone: 0800 672 862
Email: mauriora@oratoa.co.nz
Website: www.oratoa.co.nz/mauriora
Phone: 0800 862 342
Email: help@asianfamilyservices.nz
Availability: Counselling services face-to-face, or by phone or video call.
Services available in English, Mandarin, Cantonese, Vietnamese, Korean, Thai, Japanese and Hindi
Monday-Friday, 9am - 8pm.
Level 3
5-7 Vivian Street, Te Aro
Availability: Counselling via face to face, home visits, phone, text, zoom, Microsoft teams are fully accessible. Information, advice and advocacy in the community is fully functional
8.30am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday or by evening appointment if required
Level 3
5-7 Vivian Street, Te Aro
Phone: 0800 21 21 22
or TEXT 3002
Website: https://www.mapumaia.nz
Free phone: 0800 664 262
Email: help@pgf.nz
Website and live chat: www.pgf.nz
Availability: Counselling services face-to-face, or by phone, email or video calls.
Appointments are available at our satellite offices in Paraparaumu/Kapiti, Porirua, and Petone. Please phone for an appointment.
8.30am – 5.00pm Monday to Friday
Level 3
5-7 Vivian Street, Te Aro
We are able to support individuals and whanau in the area who wish to find out more about the exclusion process and/or support them to exclude themselves from gambling venues.This includes Pub Pokies, TAB venues, Lotto and, Online Gambling.
Available: This is a limited service (1-2 days a week). Please contact us and we will get back to you as soon as possible. There is some flexibility to enable us to meet with people on days/times that suit.
Address: 281 Queen Street Richmond 7020
Phone: 03 546 9099 ext:3003 | M: 0278070406
Text: 0278070406
Email: brenda.mcquillan@tpo.org.nz
Website: https://www.tpo.org.nz/
We are able to support individuals and whānau in the area who would like to find out more about the exclusion process and are able to help facilitate exclusion from gambling venues across the region and nationwide.
Available: This is a limited service. Please contact us and we will get back to you as soon as possible. There is some flexibility to enable us to meet you with people on days/times that suit.
Address: 159 Hardy Street (Room 10 upstairs), Nelson 7010
Phone: 021 0226 0819 or 0800 263 457
Email: mat@addictionadvice.nz
Availability: Counselling via Zoom, Skype and Microsoft teams are fully accessible.
Information, advice and advocacy is still fully functional.
8.30am to 10.00pm Monday to Friday
Phone: 0800 21 21 22
Free text: 3002
Email: help@mapumaia.nz
Free phone: 0800 664 262
Email: help@pgf.nz
Website and live chat: www.pgf.nz
Availability: Counselling services face-to-face, or by phone, email or video calls.
Appointments are available at our satellite offices in Timaru. Please phone for an appointment.
8.30am – 5.00pm Monday to Friday
The Loft, Level 1, Eastgate Shopping Centre
Corner of Buckleys Road and Linwood Ave
Linwood, Christchurch, 8062
Phone: 0800 862 342
Email: help@asianfamilyservices.nz
Availability: Counselling services face to face or by phone or video call
Services available in English, Mandarin, Cantonese, Vietnamese, Korean, Thai, Japanese and Hindi
Monday-Friday, 9am - 8pm.
The Loft, Level 1, Eastfare Shopping Centre
20 Buckleys Road
Linwood, Christchurch 8062
Available: 8:30a.m.- 4:30p.m, Monday - Friday
Address: 166 St Asaph Street, Central City, Christchurch 8011
Phone: 09 379 8001, 0800 4 WHETU (94388)
Text: 0278070406
Email: office@pw.maori.nz
Website: www.pw.maori.nz
Free phone 0800 664 262
Email: help@pgf.nz
Website www.pgf.nz Live Chat
Availability: Counselling services face-to-face, or by phone, email or video calls.
Please phone for an appointment as our counsellor is not in Westport every day.
Poutini Waiora, 98 Brougham Street
Email: reception@tekaika.nz
Website: www.tekaika.nz
Counselling services face-to-face, or by phone, email or video calls.
Available: 8.30am – 5.00pm Monday to Friday
Address: Level 2, Community House, 43 Princes Street
Dunedin 9016
Phone: 0800 664 262
Email: help@pgf.nz
Website: www.pgf.nz Live Chat