Any of these signs can point to a problem with your own / someone else's gambling:

Chasing your losses
Are you trying to win back money you’ve lost by gambling even more?

Hiding your gambling
Have you ever hidden your gambling from someone close to you?

Feeling guilty about gambling
Do you sometimes feel guilty after gambling?

Losing track of time
Have you ever been so into your gambling that you haven’t noticed time passing?

Spending more on gambling than you wanted?
Have you ever spent more than you planned to or more than you could really afford?

Gambling because you are stressed or lonely?
Do you gamble to deal with feelings of stress or to stop yourself feeling lonely?

Feeling regret after gambling
Have you started to feel regret after gambling?

Borrowing money
Are you borrowing money from your family, friends, co-workers, or even strangers, without always admitting the real reason you need the money?

Losing interest in other stuff
Are you always thinking about gambling? About the last time, or the next time? Do you often choose gambling ahead of other activities?
Be honest with yourself. If any of these signs are familiar, it’s time you take a closer look.
The free Gambling Helpline (0800 654 655) is confidential and available 24/7. Their staff are trained to deal with a whole range of issues related to gambling and one call may be all that's needed to get back on track.